
saturday morning flashback

My mother is infamous for interlibrary loaning children’s books that only a handful of libraries in the United States still circulate. She believes all libraries should have a Special Collection featuring children’s literature and is appalled by the process of weeding (“I can’t believe The Lazy Little Zulu isn’t at a single library in the Midwest!).

I may roll my eyes when she shows me a battered, yellowing copy of a book that has just arrived – but it is my mother who has (time and time again) reminded me how magical it can be to curl up and with a classic or rediscover a timeless tale the whole world seems to have forgotten about. It is my mother who inspired this post (and all others from here on out) ; on Saturday mornings WXRT highlights music from the past – I’ll highlight books.

Because re-reading an old classic or rediscovering a picture book with yellowed pages and a dusty jacket hidden on bookshelves – really is just as exciting as rocking out to the Eighties.